Effective March 7, 2024, South Carolina’s constitutional carry made it legal to carry a firearm just about anywhere without a concealed weapon permit (CWP), openly or concealed. The new gun law repeals SC Code § 16-23-460, which required a CWP to carry a concealed firearm. It also repeals SC Code § 23-31-230 and SC Code § 23-31-225 because they are now covered under the new laws.
There are still restrictions. For example, both state and federal law prohibit certain people from carrying a firearm like persons convicted of a felony carrying a year or more in prison, persons who are mentally ill, and persons who have been convicted of a crime of domestic violence.
There are also restrictions on where you can carry a gun in SC.
Carrying Firearm in Vehicle
Under South Carolina’s old gun laws, you would be arrested if you didn’t have your gun in a closed glovebox, center console, trunk, or secured container in the luggage compartment.
Under the constitutional carry law, you can store your gun anywhere in your vehicle – on the dashboard, under your seat, in the glove box, or in your pocket. There is also no requirement to inform law enforcement that you have a firearm, although you probably should.
The rules are different if you are “on any premises or property owned, operated, or controlled by a private or public school, college, university, technical college, other post-secondary institution, or in any publicly owned building.” When you are on school property, guns must be “secured in a closed glove compartment, closed console, closed trunk, or in a closed container secured by an integral fastener and transported in the luggage compartment of the vehicle.”
Where Firearm Possession is Still Prohibited
If you are not otherwise prohibited, you can carry a gun anywhere in SC, openly or concealed, except a:
(1) law enforcement, correctional, or detention facility;
(2) courthouse, courtroom, or other publicly owned building, whether owned by the State, a county, a municipality, or other political subdivision, where court is held and during the time that court is in session;
(3) polling place on election days;
(4) office of or business meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special purpose district;
(5) school or college athletic event not related to firearms;
(6) daycare facility or preschool facility;
(7) place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law;
(8) church or other established religious sanctuary unless express permission is given by the appropriate church official or governing body;
(9) hospital, medical clinic, doctor’s office, or any other facility where medical services or procedures are performed, unless expressly authorized by the appropriate entity;
(10) residence or dwelling place of another person without the express permission of the owner or person in legal control or possession of the residence or dwelling place, as appropriate; or
(11) place clearly marked with a sign prohibiting the carrying of a concealable weapon on the premises in compliance with Section 23-31-235. A person who violates a provision of this item, whether the violation is willful or not, only may be charged with a violation of Section 16-11-620 and must not be charged with or penalized for a violation of this subsection.
Expungement of Prior Unlawful Carry Conviction
Under the new SC Code § 22-5-910, if you have a prior conviction for unlawful possession of a firearm, no matter how old the conviction, you have five years to get it expunged from your record – you must apply before March 7, 2029.
Going forward, if you have “a first offense [conviction] for unlawful possession of a firearm or weapon carrying a penalty of not more than one year or a fine of one thousand dollars, or both,” you can get it expunged after three years.